Wednesday, November 23, 2011

*Times I Cherish...

Okay, so this picture above makes me first laugh, because it is a picture of the back of my parents heads hahaha..and yes I'm in the back seat haha. But besides those two random facts about this picture, it also shows you what I see every other Thursdays!. The happy Thursdays were my Dad likes to take my mom and I out to eat, or just go cruising around this lovely state of Utah..or in other words, the Thursdays my dad gets paid and is (: I'm in a family of 10 other siblings, but these Thursdays, I feel is my quality time with my mom and dad. We go out to eat and talk about anything and everything. We basically catch up on anything that's new or coming up. I really really REALLY enjoy every second of every minute I spend with my parents, I feel really blessed and lucky to have these "quality alone times" with my parents. It lets me know that even though there are a lot of other family members in my BIG family, my parents still have time for me.

 My parents are very important to me, and it's times like these that I cherish the most because its time for just my parents and I. At times I think I'm a spoiled brat because I get these days with my parents, but to be honest I reassure myself that we're not on this earth permanently so take as much chances you'll get to spend with your parents and cherish them with all your heart. I'm really close and open with my parents about everything, and sometimes I need to calm down on that just a tad lol but its mainly because of the fact that they are really understanding and loving. My parents are the perfect examples of guiding and helping their children. They are the best people I know!..haha (aren't all of our parents! lol). I know it may seem weird or strange to others but I love hanging out with my parents, ever since I was younger and still to this day and I'm 18(: haha their the coolest!!.

Mom, Dad..I thank you two for not only raising me to be who I am now, but also for guiding me throughout my entire life. Always know that I've needed you two since I was born, and I still need you two to this day, and always will. Never think that their is a time I feel I wont need you two. You two are my heart and life. I love you two with all of my heart and hope there will be many more *Happy Thursdays to come..Now it's you two taking me around, but don't you two will soon be me dragging you two along, in the back seats hahaha. I love you two, you guys will always be my heroes. *Ofa Lahi Atu Mom and Dad

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