Saturday, December 3, 2011


*This month of November is the month of being thankful for all you have. I recently wrote on my Facebook status that all I was thankful for was the food my family and I were going to eat on Thanksgiving..a lot of people thought that was funny, and some thought I was self fish..hahaha well first of all I was just joking around, I mean I was very thankful for my mothers cooking, but to admit, I have TOO many things I am extremely grateful for, that would not fit on my Facebook status. So I want to list all the many things I am grateful and thankful for on MY AWESOME BLOG!(:

1. Being a member of the Church of Jesus Chris of Latter Day Saints
 2. Parents
 3. Ten siblings
 4. Brothers in law and Nieces and Nephews
 5. Education
 6. My many
 7.Everything I am, and everything I'm not
10. FOOD!!! lol
11. Lip gloss
12. Earrings hahaha (im obsessed!)
13. Journals
14. Time
15. BOYS! (of course) haha..
16. Health
17. Being an American Tongan!
18. My culture
19. All my mistakes
20. My friends
21. Chocolate covered raisins(: mmm..
22. Music
23. Jewelry
24. Straighteners and curling irons! hehe..
25. LIFE itself! <3

These are my top 25!(: hahaha I'm extremely thankful for these and MUCH! MUCH! MORE! I just can't think of the rest! Oh! and I know it's already December, but I had no time to blog the last few weeks left of November! lol *Better late then never though!..hahaha

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