Okay so here are my top ten turn off's about a guy. I hope ten isn't that much, because if it is, then maybe that explains why I'm single hahaha. These are MY own personal turn off's, and MY opinions..so don't take any of these personal, I'm not judging ANYONE(:
1: Cheaters. I'm sure all male and females have this as one of their main turn off's and its one of mine as well. I have a really hard time trusting guys..I don't know why, I just do. I honestly think that this is the main reason why I do NOT like being in a relationship. I don't trust many people and I protect myself, especially when it comes to loving someone really special. I keep myself from getting hurt. I don't know how I'd handle being in a situation, where my (future) husband had cheated on me. I cant even imagine.
2: Lazy. This is a NO GO, no way! I cannot stand lazy guys haha I need a strong hardworking man, who will provide for our family. Being lazy is not going to pass with me, especially because I'd want to be up and working as well, and I would NOT want him to be sitting at home...hahaha! NO! NO! NO!. Lazy men, TURN OFF!(: hahaha..
3: Dirty Mouth. TURN OFF! There are a BILLION words in the English language, to use when you are mad, upset, sad..whatever! that do not involve foul language. It is a EXTREME turn off when all you hear from a guy is "$@%! $$@$%!&*# @&#*#" NO! turn off! this is not only disrespectful but it also shows who you really are and how your parents raised you. hahaha Not cute at all.
4: Momma's Boys. Okay, this one is half and half..I don't like it, but then I do. I do because their mother is the one who brought him into this corrupted world hahaha and also because the way he is with his mom, really shows how he'll be with you. BUT! hahaha there's a limit. If he was spoiled by his mother basically throughout his whole LIFE! no! that is a no go! lol because I feel he'll always compare everything you do, to his mother. Cooking, cleaning, nurturing and all that. I don't like being compared to anyone, especially to someone he loves just a little bit more then ME! haha (: so this one's a half and half. I kind of like it, but then I kind of...don't haha.
5: Body Odor/ Bad Hygiene. Men who smell like cologne, aww melts my heart LOL, especially when it's a really good smelling cologne. I LOVE men who smell gooooooood. But this one is not about smelling good. Its ODOR and BAD HYGIENE!..I remember in highschool, the football team had some really good looking guys on the team, but smelling their odor after practice..made me cringe. I understand we all smell after working out, and that's fine! I'm just saying, its a big turn off if he had that odor all the time. Also if he doesn't care to take showers and all that good stuff hahaha. not cool! lol hahaha turn off.
6: Drugs or Alcohol. I have zero tolerance for guys who smoke or drink. I've dated some guys who did, and I tell you now..this is the EXACT reason why we're not together now. I'm not judging anyone. I think it's really unattractive seeing guys do so. Its an extreme turn off for me. I do not like it at all.
7: Conceited. I like handsome guys, nothings wrong with that. But if he's cuter then me?..then that's where the problem kicks in hahaha..nope! I'm not conceited, I just think the girl should always be cuter then their husband hahahaha...hmmm (maybe I should rethink this one) hahaha. But its a BIG turn off when he's into himself too much, its not attractive at all..leave all that for the lady. (: hahaha.
8: Immature. Even though this picture makes me LAUGH OUT LOUD!!! hahahahahaha..it's a big turn off to me, when guys are immature. There's a difference with being a funny guy, but when all he does is pull jokes and pranks. That's when it's a turn off.
9: Bad Kisser. I admit, I've had my fair share of kissing..LOL, and the majority of them were not good. (This is kind of awkward that I'm sharing this, but IT'S MY BLOG!) hahaha. This is one of my turn off's because.........yeah.........it just is lol hahaha. Kissing is very crucial in a relationship, and if he's not good...then, yeah.......it just sucks if he's sucks lol hahaha. Turn off.
10: Slob. I have no problem picking up after children, or toddlers..BUT! if its a full grown person, that's where I'll have a PROBLEM. I'm nobody's mother, and this is why being a slob is a turn off to me. I will not clean up after him, maybe I will here and there but if his room looks like the picture above, he better recognize who I am. I'd rather be his girlfriend or wife, then to be his maid or mother!..NOPE! three words for slobs, *Ain't Gonna Happen. hahaha turn off.
So here they are! My top ten turn offs..lol over all I still love boys!! hahahahaha.. I'm just stating what I don't like, and what my turn offs are(: hahaha..
awww lotu, i'm so glad you have a blog and found me on here:) i love this post btw. REEEEAL TALK!