Wednesday, December 28, 2011

"Those we have held in our arms for a little while, we hold in our hearts forever"

Rest in love Baby Mailau Lakai Kaili Vi Tonga..

I recently lost a pure, sweet, angelic baby nephew on Christmas eve. Nothing breaks my heart more then to hear a baby has passed away. This sweet baby boy was too pure for this world, so our Heavenly Father took him back to dwell in his presence. I send my love to my cousin Rosalani, you were a very great mother..and we are all here for you. I love you so much, always keep in mind the amazing Plan of Salvation. I love you baby've blessed many of us with you presence here on earth. I know there are a lot of our loved ones up there embracing and caring for there is no worries on how you are doing now. We love you and will be reunited soon. Ofa Lahi Atu to you Rosalani and Baby <3  


The BEST Christmas ever...

We were so very close to having all eleven of us kids and the parents together for one family pic but sadly my older brother Sam Jr. was feeling under the weather, so we're just missing him..but other then taht this is a picture of my 10 brothers and sisters with our parents. Every year there is always one person missing when we want to take a family picture, whether one is out of state..sick..busy or just missing in action! lol WE WERE SO CLOSE TO HAVING EVERYONE IN A PICTURE!  lol but you know what, I know there will be plenty more times to take pictures where we're all in it. This Christmas was seriously the BEST Christmas I have ever had in all my life. This Christmas consisted of just pure joy, happiness and family. There was no need for gifts or worldly things to make us happy. This Christmas made me really appreciate all the many gifts we have but don't recognize just cause we're so used to having for me, I'm thankful for my health, the health of my loved ones, my family still being here with me, and time I have to see and enjoy being with my family. Having this Christmas not focusing on material things was perfect, simply amazing! I cannot express in words how great this holiday has been to my family and I. Well just to quickly go over what my family and I did for this beautiful passed Christmas, we first since it was a very blessed day being that it was Sunday, we attended was really great! the bishop ric spoke and gave really amazing talks. Then my family and I came and had a good Family Home Evening, we really expressed how appreciative we were for one another. I can tell you all now that the spirit really was there in our Family Home Evening. We then had an AMAZINGLY DELICIOUS dinner made by my Mother, she sure can hook it UP!(: lol no lie, we just hung out, talked enjoyed each others company...we then got ready and rolled 5 cars deep to the beautiful Salt Lake City Temple..I've gone to the Salt Lake City Temple many many times, but this time around had to be my all time favorite time going EVER! We walked around, took a ton of pictures..gazed at the beauty of the Temple, and lights..just had a great time. We all drove back home and our Aunt Helen also known as the photographer took a lot more pictures of us and I mean A LOT more hahaha it was great we ate dessert and talked and enjoyed each others company even more! lol haha There is never a dull moment with my family! lol. Then before we knew it, it was 1:00am so we knew we had to go back to reality and sleep for work..just basically get back to our daily routines :( So everyone started heading home..My parents and my little sister Finau and I took my older sister Melini and her lovely family home in Tooele. Drove back home and the siblings of mine that still stay in this house were all still up and so we ALL just stayed up talking about everything, and didn't sleep until 4 almost 5 in the morning haha!. 
But all in all this Christmas was the best I've ever had!. You know, throughout everything that went on that entire day, I remember stepping back and observing my family laughing, eating, talking, and just feeling extreme happiness, I thought to myself.. "I wonder if this is how it'll be in Heaven, when we're all together" because the feeling I felt being with my family, was heavenly. I know that I could not have felt that without the Spirit dwelling with us. Im so grateful for everything the Lord has blessed my family and I with. This Christmas was a very blessed one. I really hope we'll have many more with the same feeling. What a perfect way to end this year of 2011. I love my family and everything and everyone I'm blessed with. 

*Families Are FOREVER <3

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Before It's To Late..

Alicia Keys : Tell You Something

     So today, I found out that two Tongan young guys passed away today in a car accident. Do I know them? no, have I ever met them? no. I know this for a FACT* that, it doesnt matter if your Tongan, Samoan, Fijian, or Hawaiian..It hurts us all when we hear that a Poly has passed away. So hearing this, made me feel sorrow for the family of these two young men. This really made me realize who and what I have. It makes me a little upset with myself, because it takes people to pass away for me to realize what I have..and I need to change that because I wont ever know when I might lose someone really close to me.
       This song is one of my all time favorites. It explains everything, that I am feeling, and how I feel about people who I love, passing on. This song also reminds me to appreciate who and what I have, because I do not want to wait until its too late to tell someone how much I love them. So enjoy this song, and I got the lyrics to go as well because they are deep and have a GREAT meaning.

Much love as well to the families of these two young men..stay strong. Ofa Atu* <3 <3

My top TEN turn off's about a guy..

  Okay so here are my top ten turn off's about a guy. I hope ten isn't that much, because if it is, then maybe that explains why I'm single hahaha. These are MY own personal turn off's, and MY don't take any of these personal, I'm not judging ANYONE(:

 1: Cheaters. I'm sure all male and females have this as one of their main turn off's and its one of mine as well. I have a really hard time trusting guys..I don't know why, I just do. I honestly think that this is the main reason why I do NOT like being in a relationship. I don't trust many people and I protect myself, especially when it comes to loving someone really special. I keep myself from getting hurt. I don't know how I'd  handle being in a situation, where my (future) husband had cheated on me. I cant even imagine.

2: Lazy. This is a NO GO, no way! I cannot stand lazy guys haha I need a strong hardworking man, who will provide for our family. Being lazy is not going to pass with me, especially because I'd want to be up and working as well, and I would NOT want him to be sitting at home...hahaha! NO! NO! NO!. Lazy men, TURN OFF!(: hahaha..

3: Dirty Mouth. TURN OFF! There are a BILLION words in the English language, to use when you are mad, upset, sad..whatever! that do not involve foul language. It is a EXTREME turn off when all you hear from a guy is "$@%! $$@$%!&*# @&#*#" NO! turn off! this is not only disrespectful but it also shows who you really are and how your parents raised you. hahaha Not cute at all.

4: Momma's BoysOkay, this one is half and half..I don't like it, but then I do. I do because their mother is the one who brought him into this corrupted world hahaha and also because the way he is with his mom, really shows how he'll be with you. BUT! hahaha there's a limit. If he was spoiled by his mother basically throughout his whole LIFE! no! that is a no go! lol because I feel he'll always compare everything you do, to his mother. Cooking, cleaning, nurturing and all that. I don't like being compared to anyone, especially to someone he loves just a little bit more then ME! haha (: so this one's a half and half. I kind of like it, but then I kind of...don't haha.

5: Body Odor/ Bad Hygiene. Men who smell like cologne, aww melts my heart LOL, especially when it's a really good smelling cologne. I LOVE men who smell gooooooood. But this one is not about smelling good. Its ODOR and BAD HYGIENE!..I remember in highschool, the football team had some really good looking guys on the team, but smelling their odor after practice..made me cringe. I understand we all smell after working out, and that's fine! I'm just saying, its a big turn off if he had that odor all the time. Also if he doesn't care to take showers and all that good stuff hahaha. not cool! lol hahaha turn off.

6: Drugs or Alcohol. I have zero tolerance for guys who smoke or drink. I've dated some guys who did, and I tell you now..this is the EXACT reason why we're not together now. I'm not judging anyone. I think it's really unattractive seeing guys do so. Its an extreme turn off for me. I do not like it at all.

7: Conceited. I like handsome guys, nothings wrong with that. But if he's cuter then me?..then that's where the problem kicks in hahaha..nope! I'm not conceited, I just think the girl should always be cuter then their husband hahahaha...hmmm (maybe I should rethink this one) hahaha. But its a BIG turn off when he's into himself too much, its not attractive at all..leave all that for the lady. (: hahaha.

8: Immature. Even though this picture makes me LAUGH OUT LOUD!!!'s a big turn off to me, when guys are immature. There's a difference with being a funny guy, but when all he does is pull jokes and pranks. That's when it's a turn off. 

9: Bad Kisser.   I admit, I've had my fair share of kissing..LOL, and the majority of them were not good. (This is kind of awkward that I'm sharing this, but IT'S MY BLOG!) hahaha. This is one of my turn off's just is lol hahaha. Kissing is very crucial in a relationship, and if he's not good...then, just sucks if he's sucks lol hahaha. Turn off.

 10: Slob.  I have no problem picking up after children, or toddlers..BUT! if its a full grown person, that's where I'll have a PROBLEM. I'm nobody's mother, and this is why being a slob is a turn off to me. I will not clean up after him, maybe I will here and there but if his room looks like the picture above, he better recognize who I am. I'd rather be his girlfriend or wife, then to be his maid or mother!..NOPE! three words for slobs, *Ain't Gonna Happen. hahaha turn off.

So here they are! My top ten turn over all I still love boys!! hahahahaha.. I'm just stating what I don't like, and what my turn offs are(: hahaha..


*This month of November is the month of being thankful for all you have. I recently wrote on my Facebook status that all I was thankful for was the food my family and I were going to eat on Thanksgiving..a lot of people thought that was funny, and some thought I was self fish..hahaha well first of all I was just joking around, I mean I was very thankful for my mothers cooking, but to admit, I have TOO many things I am extremely grateful for, that would not fit on my Facebook status. So I want to list all the many things I am grateful and thankful for on MY AWESOME BLOG!(:

1. Being a member of the Church of Jesus Chris of Latter Day Saints
 2. Parents
 3. Ten siblings
 4. Brothers in law and Nieces and Nephews
 5. Education
 6. My many
 7.Everything I am, and everything I'm not
10. FOOD!!! lol
11. Lip gloss
12. Earrings hahaha (im obsessed!)
13. Journals
14. Time
15. BOYS! (of course) haha..
16. Health
17. Being an American Tongan!
18. My culture
19. All my mistakes
20. My friends
21. Chocolate covered raisins(: mmm..
22. Music
23. Jewelry
24. Straighteners and curling irons! hehe..
25. LIFE itself! <3

These are my top 25!(: hahaha I'm extremely thankful for these and MUCH! MUCH! MORE! I just can't think of the rest! Oh! and I know it's already December, but I had no time to blog the last few weeks left of November! lol *Better late then never though!..hahaha

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

*Times I Cherish...

Okay, so this picture above makes me first laugh, because it is a picture of the back of my parents heads hahaha..and yes I'm in the back seat haha. But besides those two random facts about this picture, it also shows you what I see every other Thursdays!. The happy Thursdays were my Dad likes to take my mom and I out to eat, or just go cruising around this lovely state of Utah..or in other words, the Thursdays my dad gets paid and is (: I'm in a family of 10 other siblings, but these Thursdays, I feel is my quality time with my mom and dad. We go out to eat and talk about anything and everything. We basically catch up on anything that's new or coming up. I really really REALLY enjoy every second of every minute I spend with my parents, I feel really blessed and lucky to have these "quality alone times" with my parents. It lets me know that even though there are a lot of other family members in my BIG family, my parents still have time for me.

 My parents are very important to me, and it's times like these that I cherish the most because its time for just my parents and I. At times I think I'm a spoiled brat because I get these days with my parents, but to be honest I reassure myself that we're not on this earth permanently so take as much chances you'll get to spend with your parents and cherish them with all your heart. I'm really close and open with my parents about everything, and sometimes I need to calm down on that just a tad lol but its mainly because of the fact that they are really understanding and loving. My parents are the perfect examples of guiding and helping their children. They are the best people I know!..haha (aren't all of our parents! lol). I know it may seem weird or strange to others but I love hanging out with my parents, ever since I was younger and still to this day and I'm 18(: haha their the coolest!!.

Mom, Dad..I thank you two for not only raising me to be who I am now, but also for guiding me throughout my entire life. Always know that I've needed you two since I was born, and I still need you two to this day, and always will. Never think that their is a time I feel I wont need you two. You two are my heart and life. I love you two with all of my heart and hope there will be many more *Happy Thursdays to come..Now it's you two taking me around, but don't you two will soon be me dragging you two along, in the back seats hahaha. I love you two, you guys will always be my heroes. *Ofa Lahi Atu Mom and Dad

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

I must admit, being an Aunt is the best job ever!...

I have the privillege of being an Aunt to five extremely beautiful children. I have two adorable nieces, and three handsome nephews, and I can tell you now..they each play a big role in my life, yes I said it lol these little people haha have a HUGE positive affect on my life. When im faced with temptation, each and every little face of theirs pops into my head reminding me to do whats right. These children are my heart, I cannot express how much love I have for each and every single one of them. I sometimes think how much love I'll have for my own kids, because of the way I love these little ones lol. I take these kids as a blessing in my life, yes I'm only an Aunt, but they have really and truly blessed my life, I mean WHO WOULDA THOUGHT that a 5 yr old, 4 yr old, 3 yr old, a 2 yr old and a 2 month old child would make me who I am today. I personally feel that being an Aunt is a very important role(: haha I mean we have to be there when their parents dont give them enough candy, or when they get older and their mom and dad wont buy them the shoes that are in style hahaha..its a crucial role we play! haha. I love these kids with all my heart and I really do have to thank their parents for bringing them into this world...buuuuut I dont really want to right now haha lol
 I love my beautiful nieces *Finehika & Helen...and my extremely handsome nephews * Lopeti, Kotoni, and Mana'ia.. you kids really do make my life more exciting and enjoyable, I love you kids with all of my heart..Ofa Lahi Atu xoxo(:

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Blessed to call these two, my Mom and Dad..

My Heavenly Father, chose these two amazing be my parents. He chose these two, to protect and care for me, love and raise me, and teach and guide me through life..and I can honestly say..He did not make a wrong choice of parents for me, in fact he made the BEST choice ever!!. Parents have a strong role in their childrens life. My parents have taught me everything I know now, and have prepared me for everything that will come my way. I cannot express how grateful and very blessed I am to have been born of goodly parents. My mom and dad have done so many things that have blessed me in so many ways. But what Im most thankful for that they have done for me, would be *raised me in the one and only true gospel and church on the face of this earth. It amazes me how strong and faithful my parents are to have raised all 11 of us kids in the church..I cannot thank them enough for all they've done for me.
 My parents are the best people in my life, I go to them for anything and I really hope and pray that I can someday marry in the temple to my eternal companion and raise my children the way my parents have raised my brothers and sisters and I. I know for a FACT that I could not be who I am today if it werent for my Mother and Father. I thank the Lord everyday for my parents and ALL they do for my brothers and sisters and I, because they have done ALOT!, I mean come on..they raise eleven healthy and happy kids haha(: . So Thank you Mom and Dad..Teti and Sune* haha for all you have done for me from the day I was born and still to this day. I love you two more then anything and I thank our Heavenly Father for sending me to you two. My life would not be complete if I did not have you two in it. I love you both more then I can explain in words or actions. Ofa Lahi Atu Mom and Dad..and thank you for everything..

Friday, September 16, 2011

"My 2 main goals in life.."

  I cannot express how much love and respect I have for Missionaries and all that they sacrifice to serve the Lord. How AMAZING is that! I love how Missionaries have so much love for our Savior, and show it by serving their mission.

  I look up to Missionaries so much..I mean, each and everyone of them are such great examples. It seriously makes my entire day seeing them at the store on Mondays, riding their bikes, walking around town, and also seeing the sister missionaries at the temple..I absolutly LOVE it!

  I want to serve my mission, I have a DESIRE to serve my mission. In the LDS religion, girls don't need to serve their mission, we have a choice..whether or not we want to. But in the Tongan culture, if we are proposed to before we are of age to go on our mission..then we need to get MARRIED!..hahaha like my Grandpa Vaikalafi always says to me "Pulotu, always remember..get marry your first oppurtunity, if not..then serve the Lord".

    I have a burning testimony in my heart of the truthfulness of this amazing gospel, which makes me yearn to share it with others. Missionaries to me are the best people on this earth..(after my mom and dad..of course!) lol what an amazing work they do, bringing our lost brothers and sisters back into our Father in heavens arms..that to me is the most powerful work here on earth..

  * I want to be a missionary now!(: haha.. ( I love this song) hahaa..

 Temple marriage!! what girl wouldn't want to get married in the most beautifulest place on this EARTH!? I cannot express how important temple marriage is to me..thinking about it gets me really emotional. It kills me to see this world putting temple marriage off to the side by, having a civil marriage...and later on getting sealed..dont get me wrong! thats good too..but why not do it the right way the first time?..why play around with such an amazing gift?.

  I was once told, to think of my dad..and all the love I have for him ( and I have alot of love for my dad) lol..and then think of my wedding day, and if he wasnt take that and think of a civil marriage, our father in heaven loves us just as much as our earthly father loves us..and more, and how he feels about you not getting married in his house..where he can be present. I'm sure it hurts :'(.

  "We as girls, are princess',our Father is our King..and his temple is our castle" so why settle for less when each and everyone of us girls deserve the BEST!!. I know that if you set your mind and heart on what you really want, and strive to work hard at it, and not let temptation get control of will be greatly rewarded.

  I often wake up at 5:00am on Saturdays, just to observe my parents, and my married siblings and their spouses, get ready to go to the temple. I watch with great curiosity, and think.. why do they take "temple bags", and what do they do in there. These questions in my mind make me wonder..and make me even more excited for when it is my turn to go, to get up at 5:00am, and get ready along with my family members. Im not saying that im a perfect little angel, who is just flawless...NO! this is obviously one of my MAIN goals in life..meaning, im WORKING at it..its a working process lol.

 "There is NO MAN, on this earth that can break the bond between my Heavenly Father and I..and keep me from getting married in the temple"..I can sit here and type all the characteristics I want in my future husband...but to be completely honest, I need to become worthy myself, to be sealed to someone who's right for me. I dislike when girls sit there and want, want, want..all these traits in a man..but dont stop to think about changing themselves to be worthy enough to have a man like that. So, I'm working on myself..and striving to be the best I can..and hopefully get a man who is worthy enough to take me to the temple.

  I love my Father in Heaven, and I thank him for the gift of ETERNAL marriage, and such beautiful temples around this world..I will prepare myself for this great blessing, and hopefully someday celebrate my wedding with the ones I love and care for..including my Heavenly father.

  *Never settle for less, when you deserve the BEST!(;


Tuesday, September 13, 2011

"A perfect sister I am not, but thankful for the ones I've got.”

*Best friends? I've got six of um'

    Why did I choose to blog about my sisters, when this is only the second blog of mine? they are the first people that I love to talk about, and since I know I won't have time to talk about them to anyone face to face, I thought, why not just blog about it, and if anyone has the time and patience to sit and read this..that to me is great! lol
       I obviously have six sisters, and they are seriously my best friends. No we are not perfect or always happy dappy with each other haha but we do complete each other. There is a certain connection sisters have with each other, that no one else could replace or understand if they have none or aren't one. They know all my secrets that no one else knows, and I trust them with my life. Each and everyone of us have a different personality, which is great because we learn from each other. If there is one word I could use to describe my sisters, it would be LOVING. I can get hurt by someone and not even have to explain my whole story on why, and they'll already know and feel for me, and we cry together.

      My favorite memories that I have with my sisters would have to be our infamous late night talks..filled with a ton of laughs, tears, stories, jokes, and food!! haha We can literally talk all day and night about nothing...and wont even notice how late or early it is until we hear birds chirping and see the sun rising, and most of my sisters have missed calls from their husbands haha. We know everything about eachother, and if one of us is trying to be secretive about isn't possible, because we will have a meeting thing we have a hard time doing, is accepting the men our sisters are dating hahaha, I feel the soon to be brother in law or boyfriend should be more scared to meet my sisters rather than my brothers hahaha.. I mean we love our brothers in laws and boyfriends, but in the beginning we have long chats with eachother, about if we will like him or not..(yea we need to calm down on that!) hahaha..but in the end all that matters is if he loves her and if shes happy.
    Living in different homes kills us or at least kills me! lol haha, its hard not to see is a must to see eachother, or make some kind of communication with eachother daily. I'm pretty nervous because one of my older sisters is pregnant and is due in about 3 weeks, and after she gives birth, she will be leaving to Seattle, and settling there :( just thinking about it hurts..I love ALL my sisters and I just don't like being away from them. They are seriously my BEST friends..and I don't ever want to lose them and the love we have for eachother. I thank my parents for raising us, to become a close group of virtuous woman(: I love them with all my heart, and I thank my Heavenly Father for them everyday. Im grateful for the bond my sisters and I have..and I would not give them up for anything<3

"Call it a clan, call it a network, call it a tribe, call it a family: Whatever you call it, whoever you are, you need one."

*Family, a piece of Heaven(:

I come from a family of four brothers and six sisters, I am the seventh child and I love it. My family is everything but perfect, we have our flaws and all but in the end, their the only ones by my side when times get rough. One out of the many reasons I love being part of a big family, is that your never alone, there is always a loved one by your side, I'm so thankful for all of them. I give props to my loving parents, for raising all eleven of us, and sacraficing all that they have, and still do to this day. Its amazing how much love I have for my family, I can tell you all now, I will do ANYTHING for the ones I love. My life would not be complete if I did not have any of them, ( I know alot of people say this) but it's so true. haha.
  I have two beautiful nieces and three handsome nephews who I love and adore with all of my heart. I love these kids as if they were my own..( none of them are mine though, Im only eighteen!) hahaha. lol. Hearing them laugh, or seeing them smile, brightens my day..I kid you all not haha they are such a great blessing to have in my life. Every person in my family has such a great impact on my life, I would not be anything without them..(hopefully they don't have a blogspot..I dont wanna let them know how much love I have for them) hahaha just kidding!! They know I love and appreciate all they do for me.
 Being in a HUGE family has taught me to be humble, patient, respectful, and loving. I don't get my way all the time and I'm grateful for that, because it's made me who I am today. I love all of them, and wouldn't trade them for the world.. Ofa Lahi Atu